Jul 19, 2008

homemade foods - part 2

now i cant remember which day is this...maybe thursday...yerp...i'm sure its last thursday. we had our late lunch at around 4pm after my father chemo session. the chemo session kali ni guna ubat kuat sikit. can already see the effect starting yesterday and especially today. he is really really tired. was thinking of goin to the airport 2morrow by just calling the cab. but my father insist to ask the help from my niece next door. tgk lah mcm mana......

sup sayur for my father

udang lipan goreng kunyit. tak best la udang ni. dah la kulit keras susah nak bukak. isi sikit plak tu. i makan satu jer

there shud be more pics....but the wifi here mlm ni very slow...so i malas. later i update


cendawanintim said...

udang tu tak pernah makan la plak...pelik ajer kan..

ummi of triplet said...

mmg pelik...dah la kulit keras...isi ciput...tak mau beli dah