mcm biasa air sampai dulu, one looks like the usual teh o ais...while the other one ntah la...not the typical ice lemon tea. so i ask the waitress which is which. masa i tanyer ginger tea dia dah confuse so dia tunjuk air yg kolor pelik tu. so we tried our drinks. one taste like teh o ais...while the other one...strange ice lemon tea taste...but ok lah. so i called the girl and said to her this one (the teh o ais) doesnt taste like ginger tea...dia dah confuse (she didnt even bother coming over to my table, dia dok tercegat kat counter so we had quite a loud conversation actually)...dia tanyer the guy yg took our order air apa kitorang order...mamat tuh pun kata la ginger tea bla bla bla....laaa bukan teh o ais ke...pehtu dia tanyer dah minum ker? of course i said yes sbb nak tau which is which. so dia dah sengih gedik2 masuk dapor. so i thot dia nak buat air baru la kan...lama tunggu takdak pe....i dah tgk2 kat pompuan gedik tu evil dah warning jgn nak hangin2 kat sini. ok fine so i dok senyap sambil jeling2. then i cannot tahan anymore....cakap mr evil it seems like they are doin nothing....and suddenly...
mr e: excuse me, am i getting a replacement or do i have to drink this?? (mr. E yg order ginger tea)
hamikkk ko....sekali kuat dia sound....hahahahah. terus mamat yg amik order tu dtg amik teh o ais tuh and said that he's goin to replace it. minutes later the gedik girl dtg bawak the 'controversial' ginger tea...i said TERIMA reply.....then she came again bringing our foods....again i said TERIMA KASIH reply. wah!! told mr evil that the gedik girl is actually quite rude....dua kali i cakap TQ dia buat tak tau jerrr. hellooo!! duit i makan situ bayar gaji u tau.
i dunno why but i can easily naik angin with the customer service in m'sia. not all of course. paling terok many years ago kat kedai gambar alamanda...perang besar gak la...buduh budak tuh tak mo potong gambar lesen i...dia kata org JPJ boleh buat....bende kecik jer pun...but because he is being rude and pehtu dia pi potong senget apa lagi.
so anyway, somebody drop his precious toy on our way out from the rest. it is not due to carelessness but suddenly the camera strap decided to go loose and gedegushhhh!!! i was not there to witness the incident sbb i dah jalan cepat keluar rest. but THANKKKK GODDD it was not me who is holding the camera....kalau tak...mampus la kena marah seumur hidup. the camera still in good condition though....can still take beautiful pictures of me. cuma ada one spot bila nak view utk snap.......erk..paham ke...forget it
so anyway, somebody drop his precious toy on our way out from the rest. it is not due to carelessness but suddenly the camera strap decided to go loose and gedegushhhh!!! i was not there to witness the incident sbb i dah jalan cepat keluar rest. but THANKKKK GODDD it was not me who is holding the camera....kalau tak...mampus la kena marah seumur hidup. the camera still in good condition though....can still take beautiful pictures of me. cuma ada one spot bila nak view utk snap.......erk..paham ke...forget it
hrm.. i have to agree with the customer service in malaysia.. balik baru ni.. pegi JPJ and kat reception counter tu mintak borang and nak tanya sesikit.. the lady tak pandang muka pon tau! cam tu ke keje receptionist? i commented the same thing like u did kat amran masa tu.
perlukah kita terus menetap di sydney??
jadik? dia hidang air apa sbenarnyer? malaysian memang rude lah kalau layan customer...
kitorang mintak ginger tea ngan ice lemon tea...
dia bagi teh o ais ngan icelemon tea
dah kena sound baru hegeh2 nak buat ginger tea
so rude la derang ni...kalau datang mintak maaf ke apa ker tak per buat tak tau jerk...tu yg aku hangin
kedai mamak pun tahu tukar air tauu kalau tersilap
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