::smalam mc....demam...best giler ok....julung2 kali mc. but anyway, came to the office today and saw August punyer attendance report on my table. 1st report actually sbb baru guna swipe2. and i was late for like 11 times!!!! nak mampus....kalau guna punch card biasa sure kolor kad dah kena tukor hijau ni. nak bagi reason apa ni yer...the only reason that i can think of is "masa jam di tangan tidak sama dengan masa standard RTM".....aler terlambat seminit dua jer pun.....eiiiii benci betol laaa!!!! apsal tak leh guna sistem LILO erk....ader ker istilah LILO dlm dunia ni. ish.....kalau sayer ni jadi K*N, akan saya implement LILO system.
penat giler....early morning gi jln tar. nak hantar baju kat kedai zai....and i made the biggest biggest mistake in my life. there i was trying to be friendly to kak zai "sakit kaki ker kak?" kak zai replied "tak lah..akak memang mcm ni...cacat...pakai kaki palsu"...erk...i was like...arghhhh "sorry kak saya tak tau". keluar je kedai terus kena bantai gelak ngan munchkin....and terus i called ad...i blame her for this!!!! she shud have told me earlier!!! then gi sogo beli few things for myself and munchkin...sogo ni tak pernah tak sale yer. lps dah cari baju utk MIL and SIL...terus menapak gi den wahab plak nak tempah baju melayu. munchkin wants something different...not like the usual cekak musang or teluk belanga baju melayu and coincidently ade design baru kat kedai dia. so ok ler tuh...ala2 design mnasir sket. the wedding that nite was ok....i was looking for any familiar faces (read:artis lerr)...tapi yg nampak cuma oldies2 jer...sharudin thamby, ridzuan hashim, datin orked abdullah, yusni hamid etc etc. sebab penat so both of us cabut awal...on the way nak pi keter baru le nampak awal beat tv. kol 10 lebih baru sampai....duh!!!
early morning gi usj amik umi. pusing2 carik tudung....daripada 4 pasang kain yg dibawak utk cari tudung....dpt sehelai jer...hampeh betol. of course yg memborong umi...she a few tudungs and ade this new fesyen scarf...org panggil scarf erra fazira sbb erra fazira pakai dlm citer apa ntah. wuteva....balik usj...lepak2 then send umi, lid and kelly to klia. bye bye...muahhhsss
::thats it my weekend just gone like that. tonite both of us are goin back to sirpunk...so the plan for this weekend shud be like this:
saturday :-
1. gi barn thing repair pc
2. wedding mawi (hah?????)
3. azmir's hsewarming
sunday :-
1. gi OU nak tak yang???
::lunch tadi gi alamanda wif the usual gals (bowringggnyerr....ahhaha)....tp puas hati dpt green apple kasturi...tq sab. gi primavera cuba lagi kasut idaman hati.....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....then ader promotion pleasures and intuition....arghhhhhhhhhh again. then lilie racun beli lipstick revlon...pinkish pinkish...arghhhhhhhh lagii!!!
::oh ya....forgot to introduce my new blog....two actually...one is cheeky bites.....all abt the food i cook and ate outside...interesting food....dah ader banyak gambar actually cuma malas nak upload dlm the thinking pad....tak mcm lilie yg dah rajin upload gambar. as for cheeky's decor of course la everything abt decor...it wont just be my own decor yg masih serba kekurangan but also anything that caught my eyes tak kisah kat mana2. sekian...harap maklum
Top 10 Wall Panel Design Trends In Dubai For 2025
Wall panels have almost entirely replaced traditional treatments, mainly
paint jobs and wallpapers for quite a lot of time and good reason. That’s
because ...
8 months ago
bila masa lak mawi ada wedding?
first time here..keep on blogging
Ini member aku la...Asm*wi bin Shahani..almost the same with that dude..hehehe..Kalo ko beli Land Rover nyer kerete, leh kau tim ngan mamat nih for servicing..el cheapo price
Welkam2...err..do i know you?
hi kaezrin
welcome. ive been reading ur blog even before u got married. thanks for dropping by.
hubby dearie
blog-hopping dear...blog hopping
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