Oct 15, 2008

the retail theraphy after capstone...

Di suatu hari yg suram....hujan turun non-stop...but still it didnt stop me from my retail theraphy after the big submission (a reason not to go cycling on tuesday)

dah tahu hujan....sejuk2 but still nak jugak keluar

look for some stuffs at MYER tapi tak berkenaan plak

bought some stuffs at dusk for the house...but it didnt help at the moment sbb hidung tersumbat

actually, mr evil is trying out his brand new toy...a brand new lens he got from the city....the last one....so he said!!! ntah yer ntah idak

and saya kembali demam akibat terkena huja smalam....huuuuu


a.z.z.a.y.d said...

che pah..susah tak capstone tu?apa yg u kena buat eh?I pun ada capstone final semester nanti..bagi aa tips sket leh?

ummi of triplet said...

my capstone kat sini ni real business situation. u dpt real client with some business problem and kena propose solution kat derang. and solution must be practical. kena research everything abt the company and market. kena kaji all aspect of business tak kire u specialise in apa. everything is about creativity. shud be fun tp sbb kitorang nyer course coordinator sejak azali mmg very disorganize tuh yg huru hara sket. plus it all depends on your team members jugak.

qirzah said...

Lepas tu . . .

. . . whine because jatuh sakit.

Tu lah pasal!

ummi of triplet said...

sakit sakit jugak....tapi shopping tetapppppp jalan


the evil genius said...

my last lens for the yr....next yr i nak upgrade to diff body plak okayyyy.....