a surprise anniv cake for mr evil. penat tunggu dia bukak pintu last2 dia give up and ask me to open the door for him (we have 4 locks for our two front doors)!! spoil sajerrr
p/s: kalau ngungkit kejadian sehari sebelum 4 years ago best gak ni
a raw slice of a grammatically incorrect geek and a misconstrued cheeky babe
hun...wat happened one day before our wedding...u had a bachelor party? now i'm curious
Owh...cantik blog....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YANG KE-4, from all of us in Perth, Iman tanya bila dia nak dapat cousin from you..
this is the pantun...
pi kenduri cheeky naik keter
bila majuk patah balik naik bas
ahdik yani jgn terluper
pakai tudung kena vassss
pls repair ur scary teeth first...ahahah
owh sadaaapppp pahhhhh......
sudah 4 ek......congratz guys....
Happy 4th Anniversary Cheeky and Mr Evil. Moga bertambah loving and happiness.
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