sementara nak menunggu rombongan cik kiah pi i am at the uni lab trying to update my blog again in less than erk...3 hrs maybe??
went to the oshc to do some medical claim...don't you just hate it kalau tetiba time tu la ada new staff yg baru nak belajar guna the system and buat claim apa semua....lembab okeh!!! dah la explaination regarding my query ada conflict between the two staffs. ntah yer ntah idak amount yg derang bagi ni. lesson learnt: next time kalau dtg kena make sure brother singh tuh yg jaga. they should have put a permanent full time worker to manage the branch rather than using part time uni students...haiyarkk
anyway, my summer course application has been approved. i email the school admin officer last monday....until now no reply. at the same time i also email the lecturer and dgn mudahnyer i got the permission. print his email...and bring it to the school office. told amoi receptionist tuh yg robyn havent replied my email yet but i already got the permission from the lecturer. padahal amoi tuh yg suh aku email robyn. so she said she will put the email that i got from adam in robyn's pigeon hole....uhhuuhhuhu.....nahhhh.....i dont trust her...ask her whether i can straight away submit that email to the student service at the ground flr...she said no problem. in less than 1 hr..i nyer timetable for the summer course dah terpampang kat my student account...lalalalallalala. classes will be frm wednesday to friday straight 8 - 4 pm (which is impossible la straight kan...mesti ada lunch break punyer). final exam will be on the 11th of january and pehtu baru i cuti dgn sepenuh nyer. owh did i mention the summer term starts on the 26th of november...aahahahah....3 days after my last paper i dah bergegeh2 pi kelas. 8 - 4 pm class nampak mcm dulu masa a - level boleh survive 5 days of 8-4pm class.
i asked kuni my japanese friend abt the course coz he already took it this sem...he said...if you like computers and shouldnt be a i like computers and stuffs??? hahahahah (w'pun i am bit musykil why is it that the subject is listed in one of my elective for, innovation n mgt and hrm...ada kaitan?). anyway, this is the link if you guys wanna see my course summary. if everything semua ok sem 1/2008 will be another 4 course and my final sem only one course!! pehtu back to m'sia for good!!!
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8 months ago
erk...dah abih 1 sem? how time flies...bler nak sept 2010 nih...huwaaa!!!!
selamat berjuang midah :)
-hanum d syah-
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