ok now i have an issue wif my neighbour. i'm not sure whether they own the cats or not...but i'm pretty sure that they have been feeding them foods for quite some time. one mother cat and 4 kittens. so this morning, while i was busy doing my stuffs in the kitchen i saw the hubby next door pasang dawai hijau keliling pagar belakang rumah...and minutes later he transfer the whole family of the cats to the empty house opposite my house...fine...i understand that they dont want the cats to lepak at their house any longer. i continue doing my stuffs upstairs and when i came down back to the kitchen the wife next door...throwing foods at my house. and i was like "pompuan ni nak buang sampah umah aku ke?" then i heard kittens mewing....and shooooooooooooooottttt!!!! the whole family is now at my backyard...lepaking in the longkang....perlu ke perlu keeeeee. i dunt mind if the cat tetiba muncul out of nowhere but this...erghh setooopidddddddd. i dont hate or scared of cats but i'm not a cat lover. and i hate when they poo poo at my porch and u know the smell kan...yucksss. and i dunt like it when we're eating outside, they will bergesel2 manja kat bawah kaki dgn harapan dapat makanan. nampak gayanyer petang ni mr evil dearie kena berkerja keras pasang dawai hijau kat belakang plak.
p/s: yani...apsal la offer ko lambat sgt
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8 months ago
selamat bekerja semula pah..aku tak tau bile ko start keje..tapi selamat bekerja semula..hehehe
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