suatu masa dulu di KLIA:
the evil husband saw this one pair of shoes at se*mbonia and fell in love with it immediately. but he decided to just wait and buy it later coz he just bought a new pair weeks he wait and wait and when the time was nowhere to be found......pantang jumpa branch sem*bonia mesti masuk cari kasut idaman hati. ni lah akibatnyer apabila tidak mengguna pakai peribahasa biar menyesal beli jgn menyesal tak beli!!
Today at KLIA:
the cheeky wife buang masa ronda2 dlm sem*bonia sementara tunggu nak board the plane. and voila!!! nope she didnt saw kasut idaman hati the evil husband but she felt in love at first sight at this one pair of court shoes. at the moment she decided not to buy sbb dah berjanji dgn diri sendrik tak mo shopping for unnecessary stuffs. lagi beberapa langkah nak kuar the shop, she suddenly remember kisah the evil husband suatu masa dulu. so, what the heck try jer la...lgpun tak larat la nak pakai high heels gi kelantan satu hari. terus try and wow...just she bought it and terus pakai time time tuh jugak...ahahahahha. when the cheeky wife tries to defend herself for the reason of buying the shoes, she have to remind the evil husband abt kisah suatu masa dulu and the peribahasa. and the evil husband speechless sambil berkata "BERTUAHH PUNYA BINI!!!"
ingat my dear.....biar menyesal beli jgn menyesal tak beli!!
*tak sesia2 beli kasut flat, balik dr kelantan beg jadi berat dgn berbotol2 sos cili jenama u-know-what yg kononnyer pok lah beli sampai 50 botol and berbotol2 budu diraja yg kununnyer kegemaran datuk. erk 4 botol jer semua tp tak termasuk 2 bungkus serunding ngan murtabak gedabak segera setebal lebih satu inci yg makan 1/4 pun tak abihs dan juga dokumen2 berkaitan. ntah si lilie tahu ke idak kewujudan murtabak gedabak tuh
Top 10 Wall Panel Design Trends In Dubai For 2025
Wall panels have almost entirely replaced traditional treatments, mainly
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8 months ago
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