Feb 24, 2007

puding jagung

Puding Jagung

1 tin jagung (cream corn), dikisar dgn airnya sekali
1 tin susu cair (Ideal milk)
3 biji telur
1 mangkuk gula (I used corelle cereal/soup bowl- but do adjust to your liking)
1 paket agar2 (abt 30gm)
3 sudu besar (use the measuring spoon) tepung kastratd (dibancuh dgn 3 atau 4 sudu besar air agar tidak bergentel)
garam secubit

Rebus agar2 dgn 6 gelas air, bersama gula sehingga larut. Sementara itu, pukul telur bersama 2 sudu besar gula. Masuk susu cair dan bancuhan tepung kastard. Kacau, kemudian, masukkan jagung dan bancuhan agar2. Kacau kira-kira 10 minit sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam acuan dan kemudian, masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk. Kalau suka hiaskan dgn buah2an campuran (it tastes superb with the mixed fruit cocktail!)

p/s: thanks to the recipe owner


This is my fav Puding Jagung that i always do when we had visitors and most of them like it and they always request for the recipe. i have to post this on my own blog coz i keep losing the recipe that i already printed and have to google every now and then looking for it. in-laws are coming 2morrow so the menu will puding jagung wif fruit cocktail, soto and godam (originate from palembang).

p/s: wif the 3 little devils, i can already imagine the condition of the hse. evil dearie, thanks a lot for helping out smashing the godam...u can be the malaysian version of jamie oliver...hik hik hik