lama tak update kan? nak buat camne....'busy' sangatkan. anyway...apa yg ko rasa bila:
case 1
u request ur staff to email u the softcopy of a letter becoz u want to do something editing. after nearly an hour he ask u " Puan, mcm mana nak attach file ni?"
pah rasa
ok mistake kot, kat sini penggunaan email outlook adalah pada tahap 0.001%
case 2
u request the same staff to copy another file into ur thumbdrive (note: penggunaan thumbdrive adalah sgt berleluasa disini, so shudnt be a prob). after a while, ur staff said " Puan, ni ade banyak ni, saya susah nak copy surat tuh. Puan tgk la yer kat page 39". and i was like" hah??" and kept thinking...surat 2 page apa hal sampai page 39 plak. and i got the shock of my life. tajuk file - 'surat menyurat ke K***'. click open the file...and woooooooooooo apa 50 pages ni. surat dr zaman tok kadok 2004 until now to one particular agency all in one word file. on another day, i took his thumbdrive to copy a file. found a word file 'memo'...and again...all memo back in 2004 until now...all in one word document. concept yg digunakan adalah, guna isi and tajuk lama just tukor tarikh dan apa2 yg patut.
pah rasa
tak tau nak rasa apa dah. nak suh derang buat sistematik folder, one letter one file etc etc...rasa mcm impossible sbb makin melambatkan kerja. i mean this is ppl yg dah nak dekat pencen and dah keje sini for like 5 - 10 yrs. erghhh.....what i do now is i re-type the letter/memo myself. lgpun kemaruk dah lama tak guna words ngan excel...baik re-type....lg cepat dr mintak softcopy. i am not complaining or mengutuk..but serius kesian kan.
case 3
i did some changes to our format memo. simple changes like heading, to, from, subj and font arial. the same staff susah betol nak follow...he still use the same old heading and font Times New Roman. i dont like letter/memo i sign written in TNR. after a while baru he make the initiative to copy my format into his thumbdrive. one fine day, i got one memo to sign. bahagian atas font Arial with exactly my format. bahagian bawah kat body...TNr....arghhhhhhhhh....huduh huduh!!! jatuh imej babe kalau sign
pah rasa
takde perasaan
*ni baru 3 case....belom lg case2 kecik yg kekadang i have to close one eye and sign. kat sini jenis terus print atas letterhead...memula tuh mmg i would ask them to change some tatabahasa nyer mistake. a very simple and minor mistake. tp kalau dah asyik2 buat.....tak larat dah ni....sign jer ler buat tak nampak. am i being irresponsible??
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8 months ago
This is funny!
sapo shirley erk...ko erk wani
camne malaysia nak maju cam nih
u are back!!!!!! finally..!!
lawak gak staff ko yerr...hehehe...aku pun sampai tak terfikir orang boleh copy+paste surat tiap2 tahun sampai 50 pages...tak terjangkau oleh akal fikiran...hehehe..
apa2 pun, selamat berjuang demi bangsa, agama & negara yg tercinta.. :)
Tak pe, ko tidak keseorangan.Typist kat sini semua simpan surat ikut nama officer.
Kalo aku suruh tulih surat dari awal tahun 2005,so doc yg sama digunakan untuk surat 3ogos 2006.*pasrah*
darling evil,
i nak apply keje domestic engineer bley dak? tapi gaji mau kencang leee.
nak kata lawak...kesian pun ader. nak ubah cara derang takutkan lg makin terok. aku tak kisah derang nak guna isi yg sama copy segala bagai sbb bende tuh mmg tak leh elak tp tak leh ker save as in a new file...senang nak track. tp aku paham mengapa dan aku kesian. dan aku harus bersabar.
aku dgr ko nak pindah kajang? tapi wani "tak mengizinkan" ko amik tpt dia yg "best" tu.
nape nama aku disebut banyak2 kali ni. x kose aku bernama shirley.
sekian dan terima kasih,
hahaha..kes ko cam kes aku dulu..kerani aku lagi la, type surat x justify, tajuk surat pakai arial, isinya TNR..aku minit jer 'Sila baiki'. pastu underline ke minit kat tepi pakai pen kaler merah..selagi x betul mcm yg aku nak, aku x kan sign surat tuh..sememangnya aku seorg yg kejam..dah lama2 tuh dia dah bole follow aku nyer style..nak buat camner sblm nih dpt bos lelaki yg sememangnya main sign jer surat, x teliti dulu format btul ke x, ejaan ok ker...
garangnya bos sharifah ni.....mesti tidak disukai ramai.... =))
pasal tu aku dari tawun 2003 x penah soh typist type sorat....sakit jiwe betulkan typo...
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