~uish...berabok nyer. ni mesti kes jerebu ni. im very busy...sorry...tak cukup dengan weekdays...saturday pun kena kerja.
~but anyway, last saturday went to I** Appreciation Nite in Shang Ri La....ada anita sarawak u!! and she was singing Lady Sophisticated rite in front of me...straight into my eyes and that evil hubby of mine just forgot to snap some pictures. Reason: I was stunned!!! Duh!!!! but she was superb man...a real entertainer...no wonder she is sooo expensive. our table is like third from front....and when u went to any functions with anita as their guest artist...it is actually not wise to be seated at 1st few rows unless u want to sing or dance along wif her plus being teased by her. there is this one chinese guy...mr wong...dunno whats wrong wif him but he is so blur that nite and anita like him so much!!!! he is so blur to the extent that his wife just push his head in front of everybody!! it was great nite...tq dear for bringing me along. and yes...anita did a medley from ABBA...my fav band...and she even sang my fav Chiquitita.
~on AF, walaupun AF dah basi tapi nak jugak cerita. i went to the final concert (TQ to my dear sista for the free tickets). best gak pi final kali ni sbb terjumpa kawan lama. but overall, biasa jer final concert ni and the only different is the crowd mmg ramai giler. the next day, my mum call me up giving her own review on mawi's performance...yes only mawi!! hahahaha!! when i told her that jamal abdillah version of seroja is better...she replied "no....mawi's voice is softer than jamal. jamal's voice is too big"...ayorkk...my mother. told my sista abt that conversation and she commented that my mom is too excited that she need to make her own review of si botak punyer performance....last yr my mom like adam tapi takde la sampai ke tahap tepon anak dia and buat review sendiri...hihihiih. i luv my mum. both umi and lid are coming over this thursday. and they're staying at my place until tuesday. ptg ni harus pegi K4 beli bantal!!
~ MAFSO dpt kawan baru smalam. but i still miss his old greeny friend. i think hubby dearie is gonna make a special entry on greeny. smalam setelah dipujuk2 dpt la jugak merasa bawak blackie dr P8 sampai umah. ok lar....i think smaller than greeny...but im still having parking problems wif big cars. chiowsssss
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8 months ago
perghhh...MAF50 dpt new fren erk?? blackie plakk tuh...lama tak YM ngan ko yerr...cya!
YM tuh apa? hak hak hak!! YM dah history maye'
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