but too lazy nak mengarang
i wanna blog abt our saturday at CBD-The Ro*ks-The Ga*den-H*de Park
i wanna blog abt our BBQ get together at the officer hse
and i also wanna blog abt my new pink handphone that i got from the handsome guy unintentionally
but anyway, let me start with what i did today...
i went shopping
yerp...i went shopping here
its very near to the halal butcher
selalu sangat nampak org keluar masuk from that pink building with very nice pink shopping beg
tapi selalu tak ter-pergi
so few weeks ago i drop by and went huhu haha hoho
best giler
spend hours there membelek every single thing that caught my eyes
didnt buy anything though during that first visit
so today...monday...i made some plan with evil dearie...straight from work dia terus pi kensi*gton and we meet at pondok b*yung in front of the pink building.
i had my faverite satay padang and he had the usual rice
pagi tadi dah browse2 the website nak aim barang
ada 3 bende i dah aim HARUS beli
but i bought only 2...yg lagi 1 tuh KIV dulu lah
tp ada gak 2-3 barang yg beli tanpa dirancang
ni salah satu pembelian tak dirancang...toothpicks holder. $7 only maaa....and i tak penah nampak lagi kat mana2. so better grab it
sekian rancangan membeli belah utk hari ni (and its not even boxing day *sigh*)
p/s: starting today until christmas eve....kedai bukak sampai 7.30pm. dah la depa bagi free ride kat route 75 kat city. harus tetiap hari i keluar ronda2 ni
patutla senyap dah offline!! Ku ingatkan diskusi kekekekekekeke
hoh...sopping...ai suka sopping...wpun ai x byk duit nak sopping..wakaka..erk...ada ke org x suka sopping???
btw, what took u so long 2 buy tt laudry powder container..patutnyer sambar dulu lg dah...
diskusi aku thursday or friday lom confirm sbb nak kena ikut timetable sorang tuh yg keje ala2 on-call.
container tuh ala2 kalau tak beli pun tak per sbb harga tak padan ngan fungsi. tp hr ni i nekad. bila nak balik sri lanka oii
aghhh byj2 nyer benda2 yg eye cacthing...awatlah xde benda2 cam gini kat sini kalau ader mesti mahal cam kjabooommm
tu yg i spend hours in the shop membelek barang2. if only la i cop duit
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