you know what makes a korean drama good and addictive?
1. the illogical storyline
2. lots of sweet and memorable scene/script
3. superb acting
4. and most of all...the OST!!! w'pun tak paham tp peduli ape. hey! i used to sing-a-long My Girl OST with one of my fren-wif-benefit back in putrajaya. so time karoeke korea terus ndak???
tak sabar nak tunggu the original dvd to add to my collection
izyani, ko kena tgk citer ni...selalu drama yg aku recommend semua ko melekatkan...drama yg ko recommend jer aku tak lekat2...ahahahah
yg ni hero ngan heroin sendrik nyanyi
there's another song that i like but couldnt find it in youtube coz dunno the title....heeeeshhh
found it....OMG...hero yg nyanyi lagu ni
must get all the lyrics in hangul so that i can sing-a-long
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8 months ago
aku ponggg dah start tgk citer nih..baru kat ep 3..and looks interesting!
ehh nanti kalau dah keluor original dvd, roger-roger tau. aku nak beli gaks. macam worth collecting jer macam citer my girl tu.
nok mak baru masuk 2nd episode,..abis midterm ni nak cam jahat laa pompuan kaya ittewww ( my impression laa setakat 2nd episode)
not bad kan citer ni....OST frm one episode to another kire laju gak jalan citer dia...tak le slow
pompuan kaya tu tak jahat cuma notti sket...ahhaha
i ost slow2 nih x lekat aaaa.....kalau ost cam my girl tuh mmg lazadessss
nanti aaa i tgk citer nih....skarang tgh layan super junior...hahaha
hey lagu hot stuff ngan i love u tu ala2 my girl
and suara hero adalah sgt menyusuk kalbu
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